The increased rate of globalization and technological advancement demands that people draw lines in their lives to enhance their health. Of all the constructs that have been postulated, boundaries refer to the limits that are put in place to guard us from burnout in our roles or relationships.
The first and foremost advantage of drawing lines is to avoid exhaustion. This means that whenever we learn not to take instructions or situations we cannot manage then we can conserve energy on what is crucial. It also makes one be in a position to understand the things that are important in life and avoid work becoming the end result.
The boundaries are also useful in the context of the relationships that are being built. We have to express what we want and what we expect from each other so that everyone will feel that he or she is respected. This in turn enhances loyalty and reduces the extent to which the relationship may be severed as a result of unmet needs.
Besides, it is personal assertiveness and autonomy to set one’s boundaries and refuse. It also tell people that time, energy as well as emotions is important and should be treated as such. So, respect our rights means that we do not want to accept disrespect from somebody and we let others know about it.
However, learning how to set boundaries is not always as simple as that especially when one feels pressured into submitting to the standards of the community or else lose his or her fans. , once again, one must remember that putting up barriers is not ‘selfish,’; barriers are important to consider in order to become better people for ourselves and for others.
Therefore, boundaries are important in everyone’s mental health. Therefore, it becomes possible for us to bring attention to our needs and in the same process put our self set limits as a way of living a fulfilling life and having good relations.